Human Development Question Preview (ID: 45702)

Final Exam. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are the hallmarks of intimacy?
a) kisses and hugs
b) fun and free
c) kindness and calmness
d) self-disclosure and sharing

What two characteristics of marital partners predict whether the marriage will last?
a) satisfaction and content
b) trust and love
c) education and ethnicity
d) loving and sweet

How much more is the mortality rate for emerging adulthood than adolescence?
a) twice
b) three times
c) 20%
d) 35%

Adults' attachment styles can be classified as
a) sneaky, clingy, avoidant
b) anxious, avoidant, secure
c) sneaky, clingy, smothering
d) secure, loving, smothering

Casual sex is more common in what age group?
a) adulthood
b) adolescence
c) late adulthood
d) emerging adulthood

Adolescence and adults tend to think_________in the same way
a) qualitatively
b) realistically
c) operational
d) logically

Peak physical performance is generally reached between what ages?
a) 25-32
b) 9-15
c) 19-26
d) mid 40's

What is the time of transition from adolescence to adulthood?
a) Emerging adulthood
b) Transitioning adulthood
c) The awkward years
d) Up and coming adulthood

Sexually transmitted infections are transmitted through?
a) saliva
b) sexual contact
c) blood
d) touching

When does creativity peak?
a) In adulthood
b) Adolescence
c) Pre-adolescence
d) Late adulthood

What is one of the biggest aspects of socioemotional development in infancy?
a) sharing
b) having been breastfed
c) mirroring
d) attachment to caregivers

What do adolescents strive to attain?
a) a license
b) autonomy
c) better grades
d) control

What is a significant aspect of the managerial role of parenting?
a) Always being right
b) Never getting a break
c) Being your child's best friend
d) Effective monitoring

How many statuses of identity are there?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 3

What is identity diffusion?
a) status of people that haven't experienced a crisis or made any commitments
b) status of people that have made a commitment but haven't experienced a crisis
c) status of people in the middle of a crisis and whose commitments are unclear or absent
d) status of individuals who have went through a crisis and have made a commitment

What is the second leading cause of death in adolescence?
a) Suicide
b) Drugs and Alcohol
c) Accidents
d) Homicide

In addition to nutrition and exercise what else is a significant influence on well-being?
a) Looking good
b) Having perfect hair
c) Being liked by everyone
d) Sleep

What is the leading cause of death in adolescence?
a) Drugs and alcohol
b) Suicide
c) Accidents
d) Eating disorders

What is a key aspect of learning and thinking in adolescence?
a) Controlling attention
b) Studying
c) Behavior
d) Making an effort

What is the most significant cognitive change in adolescence?
a) Cognitive control
b) Information processing
c) Executive Function
d) Reducing interfering thoughts

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