Psychoanalysis Review I Question Preview (ID: 43790)

This Covers The Psychoanalysis Study Guides And Terms From Class. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A Defense Mechanism where people unknowingly push painful thoughts and memories into unconscious....
a) Supression
b) Regression
c) Projection
d) Repression

Pathogenic means...
a) causing disease or illness.
b) a core pattern of emotions, memories, etc, which make up our being.
c) a governing or controlling influence.
d) a personality trait brought about by anxiety and unresolved conflicts.

Erikson, believes this usually occurs during adolescence, when one must decide who they are.
a) Fictional Finalisms
b) Identity Crisis
c) Style of Life
d) Extroversion

The part of your personality that is overly giving is called...
a) Id
b) Ego
c) Superego
d) Individuation

The belief that people are more motivated by expectations rather than past events defines...
a) Neurotic
b) Fictional Finalisms
c) Collective Unconscious
d) Individuation

The basic common myths, beliefs, and memories of our species is called...
a) Neurosis
b) Fictional Finalisms
c) Collective Unconscious
d) Individuation

This Psychologist proposed the concept of Indivuation.
a) Freud
b) Jung
c) Horney
d) Jung

The psychologist who proposed the Collective Unconscious was....
a) Freud
b) Jung
c) Adler
d) Horney

This person believed people are more motivated by expectations rather than past events...
a) Freud
b) Horney
c) Jung
d) Adler

Adler, calls a unique set of actions used to overcome inferiority...
a) Amnesia
b) Identity Crisis
c) Style of Life
d) Manifestation

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