Watercycle Question Preview (ID: 43519)

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When water vapor changes into liquid.
a) condense
b) cloud
c) rain
d) snow

They are the source of water vapor, ice crystals, and dust.
a) river
b) clouds
c) ground water
d) water vapor

When water turns into water vapor
a) fog
b) snow
c) evaporate
d) rain

What is all around us?
a) rain
b) snow
c) clouds
d) water vapor

When the sun warms the water on the Earth, what happens?
a) evaporates
b) snow
c) rain
d) water vapor

What happens over and over again?
a) cycle
b) bicyle
c) math
d) clouds

What soaks into the ground to form a body of water?
a) air
b) snow
c) water
d) dust

Which is not a body of water?
a) lake
b) river
c) desert
d) ocean

When water droplets become too heavy, they fall to Earth as, What?
a) cats and dogs
b) air wind and fire
c) rain, snow, hail and sleet
d) lakes, rivers, oceans

They are the source of precipitation.
a) clouds
b) trees
c) ice
d) snow

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