Do You Know Vygotsky? Question Preview (ID: 42402)

Test Your Knowledge On Vygotsky's Theories. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

According to Vygotsky, developing mental schemas to categorize elements of life and knowledge are critical.
a) True
b) False

Define fading
a) Having students do less group work
b) When the teacher provides less guidance as students begin to master a task
c) When students remember less curriculum information as time passes by

Define scaffolding
a) Providing instructional support to students and offering help
b) Modeling new information once and then letting the students try alone
c) Breaking down a concept into smaller steps for the student to follow

What is an example of a mental tool (tool of the mind)?
a) Mapping
b) Counting
c) Imagination
d) All of the above

Which does Vygotsky value more?
a) Individual activity
b) Social interation

According to Vygotsky, should children be in groups with peers that are in the same skill level as them or with peers at different levels?
a) The same levels because great minds think alike
b) Different levels because they can learn from each another

What does it mean when a child uses private speech
a) The child is socially incompetent
b) The child is in the transition of external thought and internalized thought which is appropriate
c) The child uses their own language that only they can understand

What is a key element in Vygotsky's beliefs?
a) Adult guidance and help in cognitive development and learning
b) Culture plays a major role in cognitive development
c) Individuals must master mental abilities (tools of the mind) and skills
d) All of the above

What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
a) When children can perform new conceptual tasks mostly alone, but they still need some adult assistance
b) The stage when children are first learning a new concept
c) When the child has master a concept or task and is able to explain it to peers

What is the main difference between the theories developed by Piaget and Vygotsky?
a) Piaget focused on children on toddlers, while Vygotsky focused on adolescents
b) Piaget believed in universal stages, and Vygotsky believed each child was different

What is the most important tool of the mind?
a) Imagining
b) Planning
c) Hypothesizing
d) Language

What teaching method helps children in the Zone of Proximal Development?
a) Scaffolding
b) Direct Instruction
c) Lecturing

Does Vygotsky believe that children are more influenced by individuality/peers or parent/teachers?
a) Individuality/peers
b) Parents/teachers

Authentic play is not a type of scaffolding
a) True
b) False

What is the first step in internalizing language?
a) Observing how adults use cultural tools
b) Thinking out loud
c) Copying what adults say

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