Bush-Obama Question Preview (ID: 41857)

Review For Bush-Obama Unit. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following political candidates ran against George Bush in the 2000 election?
a) Al Gore
b) John Kerry
c) John McCain
d) Donald Trump

What was the main issue with Florida during the 2000 election?
a) People voted incorrectly
b) people didn't want to vote
c) Jeb Bush closed many of the polls
d) There was a typo on the Voter cards

What group was responsible for the September 11th attacks?
a) Al-Qaeda
b) Taliban
d) Ayatollah Khomeini

Which of the following was NOT a target during the September 11th attacks
b) World Trade Center in NYC
c) The Pentagon

Who was the leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group?
a) Osama Bin Laden
b) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
c) Saddam Hussein
d) Ayatollah Khomeini

What countries were attacked during the War on Terror?
a) Afghanistan, Iraq
b) Iraq, Iran
c) Syria, Jordan
d) Afghanistan, Pakistan

Which department of the executive branch does TSA fall under?
a) Department of Homeland Security
b) Department of Transportation
c) Department of Agriculture
d) Department of Defense

What was the main purpose behind passing the Patriot Act?
a) A way to stop terrorist attacks
b) To spy on innocent Americans
c) A way to create animosity between the people and government

What is the name of the Maximum Security Camp that is meant to deal with accused terrorists?
a) Guantanamo Bay
b) Pentagon Security Camp
c) Alcatraz
d) Madagascar

Why did we invade Iraq?
a) We thought Saddam Hussein had WMDs
b) Saddam Hussein planned 9/11
c) Iraq invaded Kuwait
d) Iraq was hiding Osama Bin Laden

Which of the following was NOT a result of the War on Terror?
a) A prosperous economy
b) Massive debt
c) massive casualties
d) people distrusted the government

What was the main cause of damage during Hurricane Katrina?
a) Levees broke
b) people didn't evacuate
c) the storm surge was too strong
d) winds were too strong

Which celebrity endorsed Barack Obama in the 2008 election?
a) Oprah Winfrey
b) Whoopi Goldberg
c) Star Jones
d) Ellen DeGeneres

Who were the nominees for the Republican party in the 2008 election?
a) McCain/Palin
b) Romney/Ryan
c) Gore/Lieberman
d) Bush/Quayle

Who was Obama's rival for the Democratic nomination in the 2008 election?
a) Hillary Clinton
b) Bill Clinton
c) John Kerry
d) Bernie Sanders

Which group was NOT a main target during the 2008 election?
a) White men
b) Youth
c) Minorities
d) Women

What event happened in 2008 that many blamed Obama for?
a) Economic recession
b) 9/11
c) Tsunami
d) Hurricane Ike

Who is Sonia Sotomayor?
a) First Latina Supreme Court Justice
b) First female Supreme Court Justice
c) First Hispanic-American Supreme Court Justice
d) First non-white Supreme Court Justice

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