Solar System 7.9TEKS Question Preview (ID: 41829)

Factors Affecting The Solar System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

As distance from the Sun increases, the surface temperature of a planet tends to-
a) increase
b) decrease
c) stay the same
d) There is no relationship between temperature and distance from the Sun.

The Earth’s location in the Solar System allows it to receive radiant energy necessary for –
a) moon phases.
b) revolution
c) rotation
d) photosynthesis

A student’s younger sibling was watching a news story about the possibility of water on Mars. The sibling asked, “Why is finding water so important?” Why is it important?
a) Scientists like to make discoveries.
b) Water is required for life to exist.
c) Only Earth has evidence of water.
d) All planets have evidence of water.

Firefighters wear jackets that resist fire. This fabric was originally designed for?
a) space shuttle seats
b) space cargo
c) space suits
d) space shuttle insulation

An engineer is designing a spacesuit to be used for a long spacewalk. Why does he place a layer made of a similar material to a bulletproof vest on the outside of the suit?
a) To maintain a certain shape
b) To make the suit durable
c) To control the temperature
d) To protect from micrometeoroids

An astronaut, who has just returned from six months on the space station, has to be helped from the spacecraft once back on Earth. What is one reason the astronaut needs help?
a) Space food does not provide enough energy.
b) Living in zero gravity weakens muscles and bones.
c) Reentry had formed nitrogen bubbles in the astronaut’s blood.
d) The spacesuits are too heavy to be worn in Earth’s gravity.

What force causes the planets to revolve in the solar system?
a) Gravity
b) Earth's atmosphere
c) Celestial bodies
d) the Sun

What is one major difference between the space shuttle and earlier spacecraft?
a) A space shuttle could transport more than one astonaut
b) A space shuttle could be used for more than one space flight
c) A space shuttle could travel outside our solar system
d) A space shuttle could fly to other planets

What is the scientific name for a “shooting star”?
a) space junk
b) satellites
c) meteor
d) stars

Why would life on Earth be unlikely to survive if the liquid iron core did not produce a magnetic field?
a) Oxygen would not be attracted to the lower atmosphere which would not allow for respiration.
b) Asteroids would not be repelled which would cause constant explosions on the surface.
c) The Sun’s heat would not be attracted which would make the surface too cold.
d) The radiation from the Sun would not be repelled which would make the surface too hot.

Mars cannot support life as we know it for which of the following reasons?
a) The atmosphere contains too much oxygen.
b) There is not enough liquid water to support life.
c) Mars is too close to the Sun.
d) Plants would be able to carry out photosynthesis but there are no animals to produce carbon dioxide.

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