Entrepreneurship: 3.06 Question Preview (ID: 41734)

Business Law. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A major advantage of a Sole Proprietorship is
a) Sharing information and resources
b) Money to invest for start up
c) Ease of Start up
d) None of the above

________________________________is an important advantage for the corporate form of business ownership?
a) Ability to raise large amounts of capital
b) Easy to start and dissolve
c) Working long hours
d) None of the above

________________________ laws protects the inventions or written works of a business from the unauthorized use by others?
a) Fiscal
b) Intellectual Property
c) Consumer
d) None of the above

To ________________________is the primary reason for governments to regulate business activities?
a) encourage businesses to grow globally
b) protect the overall well-being of both the business and the individual
c) support the local economy
d) None of the above

A business will likely file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to __________________.
a) expand its debt efforts
b) qualify for additional lending with higher interest rates
c) liquidate
d) none of the above

____________________ refers to a scenario where the business fails to protect its employees from unnecessary risk or health hazards.
a) Protection Clause
b) Negligence
c) Workers right
d) None of the above

Which of the following answer choices is an example of a disadvantage for a general partnership?
a) The investment of the same amount of capital
b) Operating budgets
c) The liability for the losses of the business
d) None of the above

Which of the following represents the 4 P's of the Marketing Mix?
a) Product,Place,Price,Perseverance
b) Product,Distribution,Promotion,Price
c) Product,People,Place,Price
d) None of the above

How many functions of Marketing are there in a High School Curriculum?
a) 4
b) 7
c) 6
d) 3

The Sherman Anti-trust act was established to prevent which activity:
a) Oligopoly
b) Neutral state
c) Monopoly
d) None of the above

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