Astronomy Unit Review Question Preview (ID: 40813)

Astronomy. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Most stars on the H-R diagram are
a) giants
b) supergiants
c) white-dwarfs
d) main-sequence stars

All stars begin their lives as part of
a) nebulas
b) protostars
c) pulsars
d) double stars

In June there a fewer hours of daylight and less direct sunlight in the
a) Southern Hemisphere
b) Northern Hemisphere
c) Western Hemisphere
d) Eastern Hemisphere

How do scientists use parallex to measure the distance o nearby stars?
a) The Parallax increases the focal length of the lens of a telescope.
b) Parallax helps classify stars according to brightness and temperature.
c) Parallax shows the apparent movement of a star seen from different positions.
d) Parallax helps identify the chemical composition of stars

The solar system began as a cloud of gas and dust called a solar nebula. What force formed the sun, planets, and other objects from this nebula?
a) centrifugal force
b) friction
c) gravity
d) magnetism

The atmospheres of the gas giant planets cannot escape into space because
a) The gases are too heavy.
b) the gases solidify at higher elevations.
c) the planets have very strong gravitational pulls.
d) although they are big, the planets have little mass.

The milky Way is an example of
a) an elliptical galaxy
b) an irregular galaxy
c) a spiral galaxy
d) a quasar

What two key factors led Galileo Galilei to convince others that the heliocentri model was correct.
a) Planets revolving around Earth and elliptial orbits.
b) circular ellipses and phases of Jupier
c) Moons orbiting Jupiter and phases of Venus
d) Phases of the moon and seasons of the sun

Which of the following could a stars become after it runs out of fuel?
a) moon
b) comet
c) galaxy
d) white dwarf

How an you tell the temperature of a star's surface?
a) by the color
b) by the size
c) by the brightness
d) by the speed it travels

Earth is closest to the sun when it is summer in the
a) Southern Hemisphere
b) Northern Hemisphere
c) Western Hemisphere
d) Eastern Hemisphere

The solar system consists of the sun, several kinds of smaller objects such as comets and asteroids, and
a) eight planets and their moons
b) the star proxima centauri
c) six planets and their moons
d) more than 100 planets

Which planet is sometimes called Earth's twin because it has similar density and internal structure?
a) venus
b) mars
c) saturn
d) mercury

Many early observers believed that the sun and stars orbited Earth. What is the name of this model?
a) geocentric model
b) lunar model
c) heliocentric model
d) galaxy model

Why do temperature on the moon's surface vary more than temperatures on Earth's surface?
a) The moon has no atmosphere.
b) The moon has a lower density than the Earth.
c) The moon has pathces of ice.
d) The moon's surface has many craters.

Earth has four seasons. What interaction is responsible for the seasons?
a) the tilt of the Earth
b) changes in the distance from the sun
c) the sun's gravity and sunspots
d) the suns rotation and the solar wind

What causes a solar eclipse?
a) The moon blocks sunlight from reaching Earth.
b) The sun blocks moon beams from reaching the Earth.
c) One side of Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the other side of the Earth.
d) Earth blocks sunlight from reaching the moon.

Day and night are caused by
a) Earth's rotation on its axis
b) the tilt of the Earth's axis
c) eclipses
d) Earth's revolution around the sun

What is the name for a pattern or group of stars that people imagined represents a fugure?
a) constellation
b) galaxy
c) meteor
d) planet

A streak of light made by a chunk of rock or dust entering Earth's atmosphere is called a(n)
a) meteor
b) asteroid
c) meteorite
d) meteoroid

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