Chinese Dynasties Question Preview (ID: 40098)

Government And CH. 16 Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following crops was not grown in China during the Song and Tang dynasties?
a) Tea
b) Cotton
c) Beets
d) Sugar

China connected two of the biggest rivers by building a large _________.
a) Road
b) Canal
c) Bridge
d) Skywalk

The Chinese government of the time would threaten people who print fake, or counterfeit money, with ___________.
a) torture
b) beheading
c) imprisonment
d) drowning

Which of the following is not a result of urbanization in China?
a) Increase in artwork and paintings
b) Stimulated culture
c) Closed off China to the world
d) Increase in hobbies and board games

One of the largest cities at the time, Hangzhou, probably had about _______ people living in it.
a) 500,000
b) 2,000,000
c) 10,000,000
d) 1,000,000

What is an example of something elaborate?
a) A roll of tape
b) A diamond necklace
c) A v-neck tee shirt
d) A pencil

Which of the following is not a reason for trade and commerce change?
a) There was a copper shortage.
b) Compass made trading across oceans easier.
c) Chinese citizens were making more products at home to sell.
d) Farmers spent most of their time working on crops.

Define the term Urbanization.
a) Growth of agriculture
b) Growth of currency
c) Growth of markets
d) Growth of cities

Which of the following was not a main trading country during the Song and Tang dynasties?
a) Saudi Arabia
b) Korea
c) Japan
d) India

Which of the following is a result from all of the positive agricultural changes?
a) Supports a larger population
b) Peasants could new make more goods to sell in the market.
c) Landowners could now purchase more luxury goods, increasing the economy.
d) Commercial cities declined in population.

Which of the following is not a reason for agricultural change in China?
a) Farmers moved to the southern areas with more fertile land.
b) New variety of rice was introduced, which took less time to cultivate.
c) Rice crops were often subject to natural disasters.
d) China began to use paper money in place of copper coins.

Which type of democracy does the United States most often use of the following?
a) Direct Democracy
b) Representative Democracy
c) Autocracy
d) Theocracy

Which of the following ways did China improve their agricultural practices?
a) Used smaller animals to assist their work
b) Controlled irrigation in farmland
c) Used slash and burn practices
d) Flooded farmland by accident

True of False: Theocracy can co-exist with monarchy.
a) True
b) False
c) Donde esta los ojos?
d) Maybe

Type of government where citizens are involved in the day-to-day government
a) Represenative democracy
b) Direct democracy
c) Anarchy
d) Autocracy

Kim Jong Un is considered to be a __________ by most of the world.
a) Dictator
b) Evil Doer
c) Theocrat
d) Democrat

When only a small group of individuals rule a country, that is called a
a) Direct Democracy
b) Representative Democracy
c) Junta
d) Oligarchy

This type of government is ruled by a religious authority.
a) Democracy
b) Theocracy
c) Oligarchy
d) Anarachy

Tea was once only used for this specific purpose.
a) A simple enjoyable beverage
b) Medicine
c) Warfare
d) Trade item

Which famous explorer was quite impressed with the Chinese culture and development?
a) Kublia Khan
b) Marco Polo
c) Christopher Columbus
d) Magellan

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