Human Body Systems Group 3 Question Preview (ID: 39281)

Human Body Systems Group 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

1. Which system works with the Endocrine, Circulatory, and Muscular systems to increase the body's temperature when you have an infection?
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

2. Which system drains the tissue fluids from around cells and returns it to the blood?
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

3. Which system collects and eliminates wastes from all parts of the body?
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

4. Which system is responsible for continuing the human species on earth by producing new organisms?
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

5. Which system filters and destroys pathogens in the lymph nodes?
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

6. _______ aids the immune system in removing and destroying waste, debris, dead blood cells, pathogens, toxins, and cancer cells.
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

7. Manufactures antibodies to fight pathogens.
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

8. Includes the ova and the sperm which join together to form the ovum which develops into a new organism.
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

9. Works with the the Endocrine system to produce gender characteristics.
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

10. The main organ in the _____ system is the kidneys.
a) Excretory
b) Lymphatic
c) Immune
d) Reproductive

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