Vocabulary Words Question Preview (ID: 39183)

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We are going to ________ your decision, on leaving the city.
a) bilingual
b) geologist
c) support
d) fade

This happens when two soccer players crash into each other:__________.
a) collide
b) erosion
c) erupts
d) suspicious

I couldn´t speak infront of the crowd, it was an unpleasant:________.
a) accept
b) bilingual
c) triplets
d) situation

When soil gets worn away by water and wind, we call it:_________.
a) binoculars
b) enormous
c) erosion
d) situation

My cousin _________ me to go to the movies with her.
a) insists
b) knew
c) sleeve
d) geologist

We were ________ of Anna´s opinion.
a) suspicious
b) biceps
c) fade
d) support

I use ________ whenever I go bird watching.
a) erupt
b) binoculars
c) debris
d) charred

It is a shame that the image is going to _______ away!
a) collide
b) supporty
c) fade
d) debris

There was a windstorm, there is a lot _______.
a) debris
b) fade
c) knew
d) suspicious

That mountain is ___________.
a) erosion
b) enormous
c) suspicious
d) knew

Ernesto _______ that he needed to go to the dentist.
a) binoculars
b) bilingual
c) sleeve
d) knew

We will _________your petition.
a) insists
b) erupts
c) accept
d) support

If a volcano explodes it; ___________.
a) erupts
b) situation
c) enormous
d) debris

A person who studies rocks is a ____________.
a) collide
b) support
c) geologist
d) insists

The teacher _________ on us to study for the exams.
a) knew
b) insists
c) collide
d) support

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