Unit 3, Review (1) Question Preview (ID: 39174)

2nd Review Game For The Test - Road To Revolution And America Secedes From The Empire. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Act created after the repeal of the Townshend Acts giving the British East India Company a monopoly over the tea trade.
a) Tea Act
b) Coercisive Acts
c) Intolerable Acts
d) Quebec Act

British response to the Boston Tea Party.
a) Creation of a series of Act closing the Port of Boston, reducing the power of colonial assemblies, suspension of due process
b) British outrage over death of colonist leading to a repeal of Townshend Acts and a growing concern over colonial rights
c) Loss of revenue by the British East India Company resulting in bankruptcy and a reconsideration of colonial rights
d) Creation of a series of Acts closing the Port of Charleston, suspended colonial assemblies, and suspension of due process

Purpose of the British march to Concord, leading to the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
a) Seize and destroy arms and ammunition
b) Destroy the colonial militia
c) Enforce the quartering of troops
d) Support forces in the area

Actions of the Second Continental Congress.
a) Establishes an Army and Navy
b) Establishes a militia
c) Begins plans for the invasion of Canada
d) Writes the Constitution

Purpose of the Olive Branch Petition
a) Request the king end Parliamentary action and declaration of loyalty to the crown
b) Declare war
c) Request removal of troops
d) Establish a peace treaty with the Indians

Purpose of the pamphlet “Common Sense”.
a) Incite colonialist to support independence
b) Declare independence
c) Coerce colonists to accept the Olive Branch Petition
d) Increase morale

Who proposed a resolution for independence?
a) Richard Henry Lee
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) Thomas Paine

Who inspired the words: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness?
a) John Locke
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Benjamin Franklin
d) James Otis

What is a Patriot?
a) Loyal to the colonies
b) Loyal to the crown
c) Massachusetts football team
d) Loyal to Canada

What is a Loyalist?
a) Loyal to the colonies
b) Loyal to the crown
c) Loyal to Parliament
d) Loyal to America

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