Chapter 8a Review Plate Tectonics Question Preview (ID: 38965)

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What is a plateau?
a) A low area with a river running through it
b) An area of raised flat land
c) A grassy mountain
d) A large raised pointed mountain

Describe Earth’s outer core.
a) A cold blue solid
b) A hot blue solid
c) A very dense hot liquid
d) A hot solid

Where do Earth’s tectonic plates float?
a) In the outer core
b) On top of the outer core
c) On top of the crust
d) On top of the lower mantle

What makes Earth’s tectonic plates move?
a) Conduction in the mantle
b) Convection currents in the mantle
c) Conduction in the crust
d) Convection currents in the crust

In what layer of the Earth is most of Earth’s mass located?
a) Inner core
b) Outer core
c) Mantle
d) Crust

What is the lithosphere?
a) Earth’s crust and the upper or solid part of the mantle
b) Earth’s crust and the entire mantle
c) Earth’s crust and the outer core
d) Earth’s crust and the inner core

If you found a land animal fossil on the east coast of S. America. Where would you look for the same kind of fossil to help prove the theory of continental drift?
a) The east coast of Africa
b) The south coast of Africa
c) The west coast of S. America
d) The west coast of Africa

What is Pangaea?
a) A theory that dinosaurs once lived on Earth
b) Part of Wegener’s theory about continental drift, he felt all continents once fit together like a puzzle
c) Part of Wegener’s theory about continental drift, he thinks the continents were never connected, and will never connect again
d) None of the above

Why is Pangaea part of Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift?
a) Pangaea represents all continents connected as one, continental drift says the continents were once connected as one
b) Pangaea is not part of Wegener’s theory of continental drift
c) Pangaea is part of Wegener’s theory on space not continental drift
d) Pangaea means half of Earth so it supports Wegener’s theory of continental drift

What is seafloor spreading?
a) The seafloor pushes together and forms a mountain
b) The seafloor spreads apart, magma rises and forms new crust called ocean ridges
c) The seafloor spreads and the ocean sinks down into Earth
d) The seafloor pushes together and forms ocean ridges

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