Grammar II Question Preview (ID: 38676)

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Identify the verb: I am a student.
a) I
b) am
c) student

Identify the adjective: I didn't want to enter the spooky house.
a) I
b) enter
c) spooky
d) house

Identify the adverb: I ran quickly.
a) I
b) ran
c) quickly

identify the noun: We wanted to buy Jim a ball
a) Jim
b) ball
c) both

Identify the proper noun in the list
a) fun
b) proper
c) Japan
d) small

Adverbs usually end in
a) ab
b) bc
c) ly
d) ing

a sentence must have a
a) subject
b) verb
c) complete thought
d) all of the above

adjectives modify
a) nouns
b) adverbs
c) verbs

adverbs modify
a) adjectives
b) adverbs
c) verbs
d) all of the above

Indirect characterization has the author imply so readers must
a) guess
b) infer
c) take notes

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