Global 1 Question Preview (ID: 38560)

Neolithic Revolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Archaeologists refer to the period of time
a) Mondern times
b) Prehistory
c) Technological erea
d) New History

What is the study of how people called?
a) Geography
b) Technology
c) Archaeology
d) Prehistory

What evidence suggests that early people believed there was life after death?
a) they buried the dead with tools, weapons, and used great care
b) cave paintings
c) large elaborate funerals
d) they did not believe in life after death

The Neolithic Revolution was
a) a large war
b) the development of farming rather than hunting and gathering
c) movement of people from place to place
d) They did not like Peleolithic people

What characteristics were part of the New Stone Age?
a) They moved from cities to farming villages
b) living for long periods in caves
c) migration to the New World
d) People developed Farming Villages

Early people that moved oftern in need for food were called
a) hunters an gathererss
b) ville people
c) subsistence farmers
d) members of the guild

When did the donmestication of animals begin?
a) Old Stone Age
b) Neolithic period
c) Scientific Revolution
d) Iron Age

Why is the Neolithic Revolution considered a Turning Point in history?
a) Domesticaqtion of animals and cultivation of crops
b) Fire was being used more often
c) new spoken language to communicate
d) Stone tools were developed

Effects of the the Neolithic Revolution was a result of which of the following?
a) Surplus of food
b) Rise of Cities and Job specialization
c) development of new technology
d) All of the above

A geographer job is to do what?
a) locate places according to latitude and longitude
b) Examine how people lived and adapted to the enviornment
c) Look at ways ideas spread throughout the world and exsamine how places form and change
d) All of the above

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