1.08 Unit Test: Citizens And Government Question Preview (ID: 38300)

Unit 1 Test. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is immigration?
a) the process of becoming a citizen in a new country and renouncing one's loyalty to the country of one's birth
b) the practice of visiting several countries to develop a broad understanding of different cultures
c) the forcible removal of an illegal alien from a country and the return of that person to the country of his or her birth
d) the act of moving from the country of one's birth to a new country to settle and live there permanently

Which statement about the origins of the American population is true?
a) Most Americans descend from people who first populated the continent 20,000 years ago.
b) Most Americans are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants.
c) More than any other factor, a high birth rate in the 1800s dramatically increased the American population.
d) The American population's origins can be traced mainly to immigration from Asia in the twentieth century.

Which statement accurately describes immigration's influence on America's population?
a) Immigration has made America's population more geographically isolated.
b) Immigration has made America's population exceptionally homogenous.
c) Immigration has made America's population among the most diverse of any nation.
d) Immigration has made America's population more unified in its religious beliefs.

Why is the family important to American society?
a) The family is the only social institution that allows Americans to express their patriotism.
b) The family is a uniquely American social institution that is enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.
c) The family is the center of American social life and the primary social institution in which Americans learn their values.
d) The family is the social institution that provides most Americans with employment and income.

Which shared American value is explicitly stated in the Declaration of Independence?
a) that all citizens, regardless of age, should have the right to vote
b) that slavery should not exist in America
c) that everyone is entitled to equal treatment under the law
d) that one religion is superior to all others

Which term describes the study of the rights and duties of citizens?
a) Citizenship
b) Civics
c) Social Studies
d) Social Values

Which person is a citizen of the United States?
a) A woman who was born in the US and who is legally entitled to the rights and protections granted by the US
b) A woman who visits the United States and who admires the rights of citizens but was born in Canada
c) A woman who has a brother who was born in the US and who is loyal to America, but who herself was born in Australia
d) A woman who was born in Mexico, but who moved to the United States, resided legally in the country for two years

Which statement about the Dred Scott case is true?
a) The Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was entitled to equal treatment, but that people of different races could sue
b) In a decision that led South Carolina to secede from the Union, the Supreme Court ruled against Scott
c) The Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was not entitled to the rights of citizenship, which led to war
d) In a decision that enraged pro-slavery activists, the Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott was a free man

How does obligating citizens to defend the nation benefit the United States?
a) It ensures that the country will be protected in times of war or extreme national emergency.
b) It allows the government to collect additional revenue from its citizens.
c) It guarantees that the nation's judicial system remains fair and impartial.
d) It prevents the government from instituting a national draft.

Which statement accurately defines a civic duty and a civic responsibility?
a) A civic duty is something that is difficult for a citizen to do; a civic responsibility is something a citizen finds easy to
b) A civic duty is something a citizen does willingly; a civic responsibility is something a citizen is forced to do.
c) A civic duty is something a citizen wants to do; a civic responsibility is something a citizen needs to do.
d) A civic duty is something a citizen must do; a civic responsibility is something a citizen should do.

Why do citizens have a responsibility to be informed?
a) Uninformed citizens have no rights.
b) Government decisions affect citizens' lives.
c) Informed citizens are excused from certain civic duties.
d) Governments fail if citizens are uninformed.

What is one purpose of government?
a) use income tax money to make political leaders wealthy
b) punish citizens who fail to meet their civic responsibilities
c) keep order in society and resolve society's conflicts
d) limit the power that citizens can exert on their leaders

How do the federal and unitary systems of government differ?
a) The federal system divides power among a central government and states, while the unitary system has undivided power
b) The federal system establishes a weak central government with little real power, while the unitary system has more powerl
c) The federal system is one in which the central government can dissolve smaller political units, the unitary system can't
d) The federal system is only used by democracies, while the unitary system is only used by authoritarian governments.

Which service is provided by the government in the United States?
a) protecting consumers from unsafe products
b) building homes for all citizens
c) maintaining and repairing private property
d) choosing who citizens elect to political office

Which service is provided by the government in the United States?
a) paying the salaries of journalists
b) delivering mail
c) performing religious ceremonies
d) printing novels

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