EEG Board Prep Common Neurologic Disorders Part 1 Question Preview (ID: 38227)

First Part Of Common Neurologic Disorders. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is a rare but serious condition that causes swelling in the liver and brain.
a) CJD
c) Reye's syndrome
d) PML

The term “slow virus” is used because the incubation period for these viruses is measured in years rather than days or weeks. There are several forms of encephalitis that are caused by “slow viruses.” What is an example of a “slow virus”
a) CJD
c) Reye's syndrome
d) CJD and SSPE

Inflammation of the brain
a) encephalitis
b) subdural empyema
c) brain abscess
d) meningitis

Infection that occurs in the brain and is localized
a) encephalitis
b) subdural empyema
c) brain abscess
d) meningitis

The EEG in a patient with meningitis typically shows:
a) periodic sharp waves
b) epileptiform activity in the posterior head regions
c) slow proportional to severity of illness
d) focal polymorphic delta activity

Damage to the brain on both sides, the side that received the initial impact and the side opposite the initial impact.
a) coup-contracoup
b) coup
c) contracoup
d) concussion

This pattern is a post-traumatic coma in which the EEG shows activity that resembles Stage 2 sleep
a) alpha coma
b) polymorphic delta activity
c) spindle coma
d) burst suppression

Children will show ___ slow wave activity than adults with similar head trauma, and it will tend to ______.
a) less; resolve quicker
b) more; persist longer
c) less; persist longer
d) more; resolve quicker

The trauma that causes this type of injury is often responsible for white matter shear injuries.
a) epidural
b) subdural
c) subarachnoid
d) intracerebral

Which is not a type of subdural hematoma?
a) acute
b) persistent
c) subacute
d) chronic

Occur in patients treated with long-term dopaminergic antagonist medications
a) schizophrenia
c) tardive dyskinesia
d) panic attacks

A rare form of dementia that is similar to Alzheimer disease, except that it tends to affect only certain areas of the brain.
a) Pick disease
b) Dementia
c) Delirium
d) Presenile dementia

The EEG can be valuable in discriminating __ from organic dementia
a) delirium
b) toxic dementia
c) pseudodementia
d) presenile dementia

A mental disorder marked by alternating periods of elation and depression.
a) bipolar disorder
b) major depression
c) cyclothymic disorder
d) dysthymic disorder

The EEG findings in ___ consist of varying degrees of background slowing and an increase in bilateral delta waves.
a) dementia
b) wernicke encephalopathy
d) bipolar disorder

Which type of seizure is associated with symptomatic generalized epilepsy and are the most common seizure type associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
a) myoclonic
b) tonic
c) clonic
d) atonic

Which type of seizure is associated with generalized polyspike-wave pattern typically with a focus of the primary motor area
a) myoclonic
b) tonic
c) clonic
d) atonic

Which type of seizure is associated with a sudden diffuse attenuation or generalized poly-spike
a) myoclonic
b) tonic
c) clonic
d) atonic

Which type of seizure is associated with a single complex or curst of generalized spike or poly-spike andd waves?
a) myoclonic
b) tonic
c) clonic
d) atonic

Which type of seizure is associated with a normal background rhythm and is oftern obscured by myogenic artifact?
a) myoclonic
b) absence
d) tonic-clonic

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