EEG Board Prep Patient History Question Preview (ID: 38225)

Quiz For The First Breakdown Of EEG Board Part 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following types of seizures begins with rolling of shoulders up and down?
a) automotor
b) astatic
c) hypermotor
d) absence

Which type of medications should be included in a proper history?
a) diuretics
b) beta blockers
c) benzodiazepines
d) antipyretics

When tailoring history for age, school age youths should be asked about:
a) sports involvement
b) school performance and attention
c) nodding of head
d) memory related questions

The suffix -oma means
a) condition
b) inflammation
c) development
d) tumor

a) percent of record that includes the pattern
b) duration of pattern if not continuous
c) number of baseline crossings of the typical discharge
d) rate per second

Quantification of Sporadic discharges: Occasional
a) ≥ 1 per 10 seconds, not periodic
b) ≥ 1 per minute
c) ≥ 1 per hour
d) 1 per hour

When Phenytoin approaches toxic levels the drug can cause what EEG change?
a) slowing in the background alpha and increased generalized delta activity
b) bursts of temporal theta
c) an increase in beta
d) frontal beta

What is a common side effect of treating ICU patients with seizure medication?
a) numbness
b) increased ICP
c) hypotension
d) aphasia

Medication effect seen after injection with Amytal (sodium amobarbital) for WADA testing are:
a) ipsilateral delta and contralateral frontal delta
b) contralateral rhythmic delta
c) generalized fast
d) contralateral delta and some ipsilaterl temporal delta

What is the lack of voluntary coordination of muscle movements that includes gait abnormality?
a) ataxia
b) anosmia
c) agnosia
d) apraxia

Having the patient stick out their tongue is for testing which cranial nerve?
a) VII
b) XII
c) X
d) V

Decerebrate posturing is characterized by
a) flexion of one upper extremity
b) bilateral extension at the elbows
c) bilateral flexion at the elbows
d) dorsiflexion of both feet

A functional neuroimaging procedure using MRI technology that measures brain activity by detecting associated changes in blood flow
a) fMRI
b) MRS
c) MRI Volumetrics
d) FLAIR Imaging

During which neuroimaging study in patients with epilepsy is an EEG performed to insure that the patient does not have a seizure during either the waiting period or the scan itself?
a) DTI
b) DWI
c) PET
d) fMRI

Spatial distributions of magnetic fields are analyzed to localize the sources of the activity within the brain, and the locations of the sources are superimposed on anatomical images to provide about both the structure and the function of the brai
a) Angiography
d) MEG

Who may view or receive a patient’s PHI?
a) The patient requesting an electronic copy of the PHI for continued care
b) The patient’s personal representative as defined by State law
c) A physician who needs to use the PHI to continue the patient’s treatment
d) All of the above

What are covered entities required to do under the HIPPA regulations?
a) Establish policies, procedures and systems to protect PHI
b) Prevent intentional or accidental disclosures or misuses of PHI
c) Take reasonable safeguards to protect PHI
d) All of the above

Which of the following identifiers are considered PHI?
a) Patient name and address
b) Email addresses and telephone numbers
c) Web URLs and IP address numbers
d) All of the above

Healthcare organizations that handle PHI are known as ___ if they use electronic means to process transactions or transmit information.
a) covered entities
b) online entities
c) electronic entities
d) qualifed entities

The definition of Protected health information is ___.
a) Employee health records
b) Student records
c) The information used in the hospital directory
d) Any health information that another person can use to identify an individual

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