Scientific Method 1 Question Preview (ID: 38214)

Scientific Method. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

All scientific inquiries begin by
a) forming a hypothesis
b) conducting an experiment to gather data
c) forming a conclusion from data
d) forming a question from an observation

A hypothesis is (pick the best answer)
a) a statement derived from your data that either supports or doesn’t support your idea
b) is a possible explanation to a problem based on research and observations that can be tested
c) a prediction of an outcome that can be tested
d) a guess based on your prior knowledge and your observations

A qualitative observation is
a) is information gathered through your five sense that is a measurement expressed using numbers
b) is how good your observation is
c) is information gathered through your five sense that is a description expressed using words
d) is an educated guess based on the information available that can be tested

What is a Theory
a) an idea that is proven
b) an explanation of what will happen in nature that is never changed
c) an explanation of why something occurs in nature that maybe modified when new information is discovered
d) An educated guess that can be tested

What is a controlled variable
a) a factor in an experiment that is changed by the scientist to be tested
b) a factor in an experiment that is measured or observed to see how it responds
c) a factor in an experiment that is keep the same in order to test other factors
d) a factor that ignored in an experiment

A conclusion can
a) prove your hypothesis to be correct or wrong
b) be an inference
c) show your hypothesis to be right or wrong
d) supports or does not supports your hypothesis

An independent variable is
a) the factor in an experiment that is change by the scientist in order to test it
b) the factor in an experiment that is measured or observed to see how it responds
c) the factor in the experiment that is keep the same to allow other factors to be investigated
d) is a group in an experiment that is tested

A dependent variable is
a) the factor in an experiment that is change by the scientist in order to test it
b) the factor in an experiment that is measured or observed to see how it responds
c) the factor in the experiment that is keep the same to allow other factors to be investigated
d) is a group in an experiment that is tested

A hypothesis should contain
a) the Independent variable and a prediction on the dependent variable
b) just the independent variable
c) A prediction on the dependent variable and an explanation on why this prediction was made
d) The independent variable, a prediction on the dependent variable and an explanation on why the prediction was made

To be valid a conclusion must be
a) Replicable
b) supported
c) Right
d) Repeatable

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