Carbohydrates Review Question Preview (ID: 37391)

Biochemistry - Carbohydrates Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Carbon has ___________ valence electrons
a) 8
b) 4
c) 3
d) 5

What is the name of energy storage in plant cells called?
a) cellulose
b) starch
c) glycogen
d) water

A macromolecule is composed of smaller units called:
a) polymers
b) isomers
c) cells
d) monomers

What is the name of the polysaccharide that humans are NOT able to digest?
a) Cellulose
b) Starch
c) Glycogen
d) Glucose

An athlete will usually load up on this biomolecule the night before a big game/event.
a) Lipids
b) Nucleic Acids
c) Proteins
d) Carbohydrates

Which of the following represents the chemical formula for monosaccharides?
a) C6H12O14
b) C6H12O6
c) C7H12O6
d) C3H7O3

The three elements found in carbohydrates are:
a) Carbon, Oxygen, Helium
b) Carbon, Helium, Iodine
c) Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
d) Carbon, Ozone, Hydrogen

Which of the following is a disaccharide?
a) sucrose
b) starch
c) glucose
d) glycogen

IDENTIFY the function of carbohydrates
a) long term energy storage, insulation, and protective coatings
b) structure and cellular metabolism
c) store and release energy for cellular activities
d) store information as genetic code

Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by the joining of
a) glucose + glucose
b) glucose + fructose
c) fructose + glucose + galactose
d) fructose + maltose

What is the name of the molecule used in animals for glucose storage?
a) cellulose
b) glycogen
c) sucrose
d) starch

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