Q3 Final Exam Review (Geography) Question Preview (ID: 35870)

Q3 Final Exam Review (Geography). TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

(QR41) In which of the following Latin American cities is air pollution a major environmental concern?
a) Buenos Aires, Argentina
b) Havana, Cuba
c) Santiago, Chile
d) Mexico City, Mexico

(QR40) Where do most Brazilians choose to live?
a) In the coastal cities
b) In the Amazon Rainforest
c) In the Andes Mts.
d) The population is evenly scattered throughout the whole country, because it is nice everywhere.

(QR35) Acid Rain affects parts of southeastern Canada. What causes this?
a) air pollution from factories and cars
b) volcanic activity
c) erosion
d) the cold weather

(QR40) Where do most people in Venezuela choose to live why?
a) In the mountainous areas of the southern part of the country, because more jobs are there.
b) In the south, so they will be closer to Brazil.
c) The population is evenly scattered throughout the whole country, because it is nice everywhere.
d) In the northern coastal areas mountain valleys, because it is a bit drier and cooler there.

(QR32) Which region of Canada would have the SMALLEST population density and why?
a) North b/c It is too Cold
b) North b/c It is too Hot
c) South b/c It is too Hot
d) South b/c It is too Cold

(QR35) Where is mining related pollution a major environmental issue in Canada?
a) along the St. Lawrence River
b) In the forests of western Canada
c) in the Rocky Mts.
d) Alberta Tar Sands and around the Canadian Shield

(QR32) Which of the following is NOT an important trade/transportation corridor used by Canada?
a) St. Lawrence River
b) Great Lakes
c) Rhine River
d) Pacific Ocean

(QR32) Which of the following natural resources can be found in Canada?
a) Arable Land
b) Timber/Wood
c) Minerals
d) All of These

(QR32) Where do most Canadians live in Canada and why?
a) Northern Canada, because the climate is temperate.
b) Eastern Canada, because that's where all the farmland is.
c) Southern Canada, because of a warmer climate.
d) Western Canada, because it is the only place where people can find jobs.

(QR41) What environmental issue affects Venezuela?
a) Deforestation
b) Oil-Related Pollution
c) Acid Rain
d) Nuclear Waste

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