Paleontology Review Game 2 Question Preview (ID: 32927)

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You live in the ___________________ Period.
a) Cenozoic
b) Holocene
c) Quaternary
d) Cambrian

You live in the ___________________ Epoch.
a) Cenozoic
b) Holocene
c) Quaternary
d) Quaternary

Put these in correct order from largest unit of time to smallest.
a) Eon, Period, Era Epoch
b) Era, Eon, Period, Epoch
c) Epoch, Era, Period, Eon
d) Eon, Era, Period, Epoch

Why aren’t any fossils found in igneous rock?
a) The fossils would be melted in the hot molten material.
b) The fossil would be broken down by the wind and rain.
c) The fossils would be broken when animals stepped on them.
d) The fossils would be crushed by the intense pressure of the layers above them.

Which type of dating are you using if you were to say that one rock layer is older than another rock layer?
a) relative age
b) absolute age
c) radioactive age
d) all of the above

If you found a piece of coal (which needs mild, swampy environments to form) in Antarctica, what could you assume?
a) Antarctica's climate is warming up.
b) Antarctica's climate has always been the same.
c) Antarctica's climate was once warmer than it is now.
d) Antarctica's climate was once colder than it is now.

Most fossils form when the hard parts of an organism are buried quickly and form in a ______________ rock.
a) igneous
b) sedimentary
c) metamorphic
d) extrusive

Footprints and trails are examples of _______ fossils.
a) trace
b) index
c) carbon film
d) molds and casts

What era do we presently live in?
a) Precambrian
b) Mesozoic
c) Cenozoic
d) Paleozoic

How do MOST fossils form?
a) The hard parts of an organism dry out from the Sun.
b) The soft parts of an organism change to rock.
c) The organisms freezes preserving its remains.
d) Living things die and their remains are quickly buried by sediments.

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