Samuels PS Electric Circuits Question Preview (ID: 31582)

Physical Science Electric Circuits. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The path an electric current follows is called an _______.
a) electric circuit
b) electric circle
c) current line
d) electric line

Which of the following is not one of the basic three parts in an electric circuit?
a) capacitor
b) source
c) conductor
d) load

If there is a gap in the circuit, this would be called a(n) ______.
a) open circuit
b) closed circuit
c) short circuit
d) parallel circuit

If circuit is complete with no gap, this would be called a(n) ______.
a) closed circuit
b) open circuit
c) short circuit
d) parallel circuit

These devices are found in homes with switches to prevent overload of electrical current.
a) circuit breaker
b) fuses
c) forks
d) current line

These are burnt up if overloaded in current to prevent damage to other parts.
a) fuses
b) circuit breaker
c) forks
d) current line

These have loads arranged so that electric current flows from one load to the next.
a) series circuit
b) parallel circuit
c) open circuit
d) short circuit

These have loads arranged in separate branches in the circuit
a) parallel circuit
b) series circuit
c) open circuit
d) short circuit

If electricity takes a shortcut through a circuit, this would result in a ______.
a) short circuit
b) closed circuit
c) parallel circuit
d) series circuit

If a bulb is added to a parallel circuit, what will happen to the other bulbs?
a) stay same brightness
b) get dimmer
c) get brighter
d) turn off

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