Literary: Language, Craft, Structure Question Preview (ID: 29632)

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Women under the gas lamps luring the farm boys.
a) onomatopoeia
b) hyperbole
c) personification
d) alliteration

And I will return, my love, / even if it were a million miles.
a) personification
b) onomatopoeia
c) hyperbole
d) simile

He would contemplate the distance / With a look of pensive meaning, As of ducks that die in ill tempests.
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) personification
d) onomatopoeia

Vague pageants woven on a web of dream! And we, pushing and fighting in the turbid stream / Of modern life
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) understatement
d) hyperbole

Chant in a wail / that never halts, / pace a circle and pay tribute / with a song.
a) rhyme
b) simile
c) personification
d) hyperbole

He answered her he knew not what: / Like shaft from bow at random shot,
a) simile
b) personification
c) repetition
d) metaphor

Silver bells!... How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night.
a) simile
b) hyperbole
c) onomatopoeia
d) alliteration

She soothed her secret sorrow.
a) hyperbole
b) alliteration
c) metaphor
d) simile

Chicago is a city that is fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action.
a) hyperbole
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) onomatopoeia

The streets were strange and still, / Through the doors of the open churches/The organs were moaning shrill.
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) hyperbole
d) personification

Their thoughts were like golden birds
a) simile
b) metaphor
c) personification
d) hyperbole

Fear lurks, watching me, waiting for the moment to pounce.
a) hyperbole
b) metaphor
c) simile
d) personification

O heavy lightness! Serious vanity!
a) pun
b) paradox
c) oxymoron
d) symbolism

“I can resist anything but temptation.” – Oscar Wilde
a) hyperbole
b) paradox
c) oxymoron
d) symbolism

What is the difference between a conductor and a teacher? The conductor minds the train and a teacher trains the mind.
a) pun
b) paradox
c) oxymoron
d) symbolism

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts,”
a) euphemism
b) oxymoron
c) pardox
d) symbolism

This is a kind of personification that gives human emotions to inanimate objects of nature for example referring to weather features reflecting a mood.
a) imagery
b) hyperbole
c) pathetic fallacy
d) symbolism

The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the
a) first-person
b) third-person limited
c) third-person objective
d) third-person omniscient

The Skull of Truth: A Magic Shop Book by Bruce Coville and Gary A. Lippincott To his astonishment, Charlie found himself standing next to his bicycle, back where he had entered the swamp. That was bizarre and upsetting�but not as bad as the real
a) first-person
b) third-person objective
c) third-person limited
d) third-person omniscient

Invitation to the Game by Monica Hughes And we scrounged. Next to survival, scrounge was probably the most important word in our new vocabulary. We found a store that was throwing out water-damaged mattresses. Getting them home was a problem,
a) first-person
b) third-person objective
c) third-person limited
d) third-person omniscient

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