Respiratory And Excretory Systems Question Preview (ID: 17154)

Basic Respiratory And Excretory Vocabulary. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the ability for the internal systems to maintain balance?
a) cilia
b) respiration
c) peristalsis
d) homeostasis

A group of tissues that perform the same job.
a) cells
b) organs
c) tissues
d) organ systems

When energy is produced what gas product is released?
a) carbon monoxide
b) oxygen
c) carbon dioxide
d) hydrogen

This sticky substance moistens air and helps to trap dirt we breathe in.
a) peristalsis
b) cilia
c) mucus
d) trachea

After air leaves the pharynx where does it go?
a) nasal passage
b) trachea
c) bronchi
d) alveoli

What are the tiny air sacs found in the lungs that are used for gas exchange?
a) cilia
b) mucus
c) alveoli
d) bronchi

What is the passageway for both food and air?
a) trachea
b) esophagus
c) larynx
d) pharynx

The flap of tissue that closes over the windpipe to prevent food from going down.
a) uvula
b) peristalsis
c) epiglottis
d) pharynx

These tubes take air from the trachea to lungs.
a) pharynx
b) bronchi
c) alveoli
d) diaphragm

The tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder.
a) bladders
b) ureters
c) urethras
d) kidneys

The system responsible for storing and getting rid of waste products.
a) excretory
b) respiratory
c) digestive
d) nervous

The organ that stores urine until it is released from the body.
a) kidney
b) ureter
c) urethra
d) urinary bladder

The opening where urine leaves the body.
a) ureter
b) urethra
c) urinary bladder
d) skin

Hair like structures that line the nasal cavity.
a) cilia
b) epiglottis
c) larynx
d) mucus

A group of cells that perform the same job.
a) cells
b) tissues
c) organs
d) organ systems

What is the trachea made of?
a) cartilage
b) mucus
c) cilia
d) muscle

The muscle under the lungs that controls inhaling and exhaling.
a) kidneys
b) lungs
c) diaphragm
d) alveoli

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