Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
In what direction does the phloem transport materials?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
In flowering plants, which of the following helps seed dispersal?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
When a farmer sprays a chemical on crop plants, how does the chemical travel to the roots of the plants?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
Which of the following is a CORRECT comparison of the bryophytes and the filicinophytes?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
What conditions will cause the highest rate of transpiration in a well-watered, mesophytic plant?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
What treatment is most likely to lead to germination?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
What causes movement of water through xylem?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
Which would be an adaptation of xerophytes?
Evaporatoin of water from leaves
Low humidity, hot, bright sunshine and windy
Bryophytes have rhizoids, while filicinophytes have roots
Up and down the plant all the time
Soaking the seeds in a solution of gibberellins
In the phloem, by active translocation
Hairs on the leaves
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