Review Game Zone
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As seafloors spread, what happens to older rock on the ocean floor?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
What is the name of the hypothesis that states that continents are slowly moving?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
Who was the scientist that created the continental drift hypothesis?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
Why does one plate sink under another plate at some convergent boundaries?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
Why was evidence of glaciers in warm continents good evidence to prove continental drift?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
Folded mountains are created by:
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
Two plates that are sliding against each other are
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
What was the name of the supercontinent that linked all of the current continents together?
the sinking plate is more dense than the other plate
Alfred Wegener
it proved that continents like Africa and Australia were in a different, colder location at one point
convergent boundaries where collision happens
Continental Drift
it gets pushed away from the mid ocean ridge
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