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Purpose - PAOCE. What does A stand for?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
Purpose - PAOCE. What does C stand for?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
How did the Japanese try to cultivate Asian Consciousness?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
Purpose - PAOCE. What does O stand for?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
Therefore, the Japanese Occupation worsened the people’s living conditions because...?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
Why was rationing introduced in Singapore during the Japanese Occupation?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
The Kempeitai used ? to encourage people to inform the Kempeitai whom they suspected was involved in anti-Japanese activities.
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
Purpose - PAOCE. What does P stand for?
To control the sale of essential items
food or cash rewards
Purpose word
there was insufficient food and this caused many people to suffer from poor working condition
Use propaganda to highlight that Asians were just as good as the Europeans
Content explanation
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