Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
Who gave Brian the hatchet?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
What happened during Brian's car ride with his mom to the airport?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
How did Brian's dad feel about the divorce?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
What was Brian's father's job?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
How did the pilot die?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
What was the purpose of Brian's trip to Canada?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
What prior experience helped Brian fly the plane?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
What was the SECRET to which Brian's thoughts often wander?
His mom is seeing another man
Oil engineer
He was going to see his father
heart attack
The pilot had let him take the controls for a few minutes
His mom
Mom tried to get him to tell her what was wrong
He did not want it.
Check it!