Review Game Zone
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A folder is different than a shortcut to a folder. A shortcut to a folder is only a pointer to the folder. It is not the real folder. I can tell the difference because
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
If I want to select more than one document in my folder at the same time, I need to hold down this key
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
To switch back and forth between two documents or websites:
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
You should not fill in website forms directly. Instead you should copy paste information over to a Word document, answer and save in the Word document, and then later go back to website and paste in answers. The three reasons to do it this was are
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
This is how a folder is different than a file-document:
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
From 8th grade throughout my Masters degree (18th grade), I will be expected to ‘cite’ information when I use other people’s ideas:
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
Citing can be difficult. To make it easy, this website will help create citations that follow the citation rules:
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
When citing someone's ideas, you should also give your own opinion or response statement. Which do you put quotations marks around?
I should put quotation marks around the original author’s or publisher's exact words.
If I do not cite ideas to give credit to the person who originally had that idea, I can be kicked out for plagiarism.
Yellow Folders have files and documents stored inside of them. In this class, we created a technology folder.
alt tab will switch back and forth on the last two documents you clicked on.
The power might fail; you might want to see or use your answers again; and some websites time out losing your work.
A shortcut folder has a picure of an arrow on it.
the control key
Check it!