Review Game Zone
Match it!
Match it! Select the correct answer from the pull down...Good luck!
How much money in lost productivity is bad software estimated to cost U.S. businesses each year?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
It would be considered fair use of protected material to use which of the following without permission?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
Which one of the following uses privacy statements in response to consumer demands for privacy protection?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
What right of citizens do tracking systems threaten?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
Which tracking technology involves coding identification numbers into both hardware and software?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
What are ethics?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
What is the most common protocol used for secure servers?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
What is the name of the protocol used today to protect the transmission of credit card data over the Web?
$100 billions
Secure Sockets Layer
right to be anonymous
line from a poem
commercial Web sites
Global Unique Indentifiers
the rules we use to determine the right and wrong things in our lives
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