Suppose you are swimming in a lake when a thunderstorm approaches. Which of the following would be the best way to protect yourself from lightning?
Which of these BEST explains the reason that thunderstorms are likely to form on a hot day?
El NiƱo is an ocean current that is warmer than normal and recurs every few years in the Pacific Ocean. What effect would warmer waters have on weather along the Pacific Coast of t
Jennifer measured the temperature difference between two areas located next to each other. She did this at four locations. Which location is MOST LIKELY to have the strongest winds
At the start of a hurricane, strong winds blew over the ocean causing more water to evaporate. How did this effect the hurricane?
Which is MOST LIKELY to cause a hurricane?
The sun warms a large area of an ocean. This causes a large amount of water to evaporate into the air. Which weather event might occur?
Warm evaporated moisture from an ocean moved inland over a city. The city is blocked on one side by a mountain range. Which type of weather characteristic is MOST LIKELY to occur?
In some years there are more hurricanes than usual. This is probably because...
Yvette, she noticed that more hurricanes formed over tropical oceans than over colder ocean areas. Which of these BEST explains why
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