I am found in the nucleus. I am responsible for providing instructions for all life processes and when the cell is not dividing, I like to unwind into thread-like structures. What am I?
I am found in the cytoplasm and I look like a stack of pancakes. I am the packaging and shipping company (FedEx) for products used in the cell. What am I?
I am part of the cell membrane. I work like a metal detector at the airport allowing materials into and out of the cell. What am I?
I control all cell activities. I am compared to the prinipal of a school or the boss a company. What am I?
I am found in animal cells and my job requires me to be able to split chromosome a part during cell division. I have been compared to a log splitter. What am I?
I am a network of tubules throughout the cell and can be compared to the steel structural reinforcements found in concrete structures. What am I?
I am found on the nuclear membrane and can be compared to police at a road block only allowing material that have permission to come in or out.
I am the green pigment found in chloroplasts and can be compared to a sponge because I absorb sunlight. What am I?
I contain the genetic material DNA and am found inside the nucleus. I can be compared to a cookbook filled with recipes. I coil up during cell division and have the appearance of the letter
I am the packages of protein that are released from the golgi body/apparatus that are transported to destinations inside the cell. I am similar to letters being mailed to different destinations. What am I?
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