The Enlightenment was also known as this as it was spreading rapidly across Europe in the late 17th century?

This person’s writings made many Enlightenment ideas accessible to the general public.

Scientists like ____________ and writers like John Locke were challenging the old social, scientific, and political ideas during the Enlightenment.

Which Enlightenment thinker recommended separating power among executive, legislative, judicial branches?

Which event dramatically increased maritime trade between the East and West?

Because of the Enlightenment; Kings could no longer rule by claiming this.

French writer, playwright, and poet; frequently came into conflict with the Establishment as a result of his radical views and satirical writings.

French philosopher and mathematician; developed dualistic theory of mind and matter.

Scottish economist, philosopher and author of The Wealth of Nations (1776), defined the workings of market economies and defended principles of liberty.

French philosopher and writer born in Switzerland; believed that the natural goodness of man was warped by society.

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