At the beginning of the novel, how does Elie feel about his father?

Why does the author mention Moishe the Beadle in Chapter One?

Where does Elie live with his family?

How does Moishe the Beadle teach Elie?

What happens to Moishe the Beadle and the foreign Jews in Sighet?

How does Moishe the Beadle escape the Gestapo?

Eventually, the Germans invade Hungary and they enter Sighet. How do the German soldiers first treat the Jewish residents of Sighet?

As time passes what happens to the Jews of Sighet?

What offer does Maria , Wiesel's maid, offer the family?

What does a German soldier tell all those aboard a cattle car?

What does Madame Schachter scream out continuously?

How do people aboard the cattle car try to get Madame Schachter to quiet down??

The train finally arrives at Auschwitz. At first, how are the prisoners told they will be treated?

What are the prisoners stunned to see as they leave the cattle car?

why isn't Elie sure about reciting the Kaddish?

What tattoo do the prisoners receive?

What lie does Elie tell his cousin Stein?

Where are Elie and his father sent to work?

How is Elie able to keep his gold crown?

What does Franek demand from Elie?

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