Martin Luther was born in Germany?

During a tornado, Martin promised God he would become a monk if he spared his feet.

His father, Hans Luther, was proud his son was becoming a monk.

At the monastery, Luther whipped himself and fasted, because he felt he needed to get rid of his sins.

Early in Luther's adulthood, he never felt he had pleased God.

Luther rode a horse over 800 miles from Germany to Rome, Italy.

Luther did not make good grades in school.

Luther taught at the University in Wittenberg, Germany.

Johann Tetzel was a monk that sold indulgences to erase a person's sins.

Before the invention of the printing press, it could take one year to hand write a book.

Without Luther's knowledge, printers began printing his writings.

Luther started the Protestant Reformation by nailing debate topics on the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

These debate topics were known as the 95 theses

Martin Luther was challenging the Roman Catholic Church, in some areas he felt were against God's word, the Bible

Luther was executed for what he believed

Luther was the most loved and the most hated man in the 16th century.

Martin Luther married a former nun.

After refusing to retreat his words, he was kidnapped

Luther translated the Bible from Latin into German.

Luther wanted peoplethat followed his beliefs to be called Lutherans.

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