the condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time

clouds get too heavy and water falls to the ground as rain, sleet, or snow

water vapor cools and turns into liquid water, forming a cloud

water evaporating from the leaves of plants

liquid water is heated by the sun’s energy and changes from a liquid to a gas

unusual warming of surface water in the Pacific Ocean

the movement of water between the Earth's surface and the atmosphere; powered by the Sun's energy

winds that cause the weather in the US to move from west to the east

warm air rises and cold air sinks; causing wind

warm air mass meets a cold air mass and rises over it. Often brings rain, stratus clouds and an increase in temperature

cold air mass meets warm air mass, bringing storms and a drop in temperature

where two air masses meet

wispy, high-level clouds that happen when there is fair weather but rain is approaching

large thunderhead clouds; storm clouds

puffy, fair weather clouds

low, sheetlike gray clouds that bring rain; fog

the boundary where polar air masses meet tropical air masses; it can move north and south and effect the air temperature above (north) and below (south) of it

measures air pressure

measures wind speed

warm current in the Atlantic Ocean that moves North and keeps the weather along the coast mild

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