Who is the most likely author of the book?
The book of Ecclesiastes is part of what kind Biblical literature/books?
It is most likely that Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes
The Book of Ecclesiastes was written in:
The Book of Ecclesiastes is organized as a:
What is the context of the book of Ecclesiastes?
What is the thesis/theme of the book of Ecclessiastes:
What is the main methodology Solomon uses in his research?
What made Solomon the most likely author of the book of Ecclesiastes?
Which of the following is not a mentioned RESOURCE used to conduct the author's research:
Stupidity is naturally _________________ and has no limits
'For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under the sun' - This indicates that:
God works and His work needs no alterations or corrections. He does so, so that:
God's will for you and me is:
Solomon's use of 'better this than that' indicates that:
Ch. 6 talks about things that are a definite 'No' under the sun; An example of something that is NEVER a good idea is:
'Sorrow is better than laughter, For when a face is sad a heart may be happy' - This is an example of an:
The strongest man in the Bible (Samson) and the wisest man in the Bible (Solomon) were brought down by:
Rebelling against any authority that God placed over me is equal with me rebelling against God
According to Ecclesiastes 8:11 'the hearts of the sons of mankind ... are fully given to do evil' because
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