Bentley see crumbs all over the floor and chocolate on his son's face. What can he infer?

In Alice in Wonderland, Alice sees the White Rabbit looking worried, hurrying by, and looking at his pocket watch. What can Alice infer?

Marianne comes home late in the afternoon with wet hair, sunburned skin, covered in sand and carrying a bag filled with sunscreen, drinks, and a book. What can you infer about where's she's been?

Harry is wearing clothes that are too big and are a little tattered and worn. His cousin, Dudley, is wearing brand-new, well-fitting clothes. What can you infer about Harry from this sentence?

When Little Red Riding Hood went to see her grandmother, she noticed that her grandmother had great big teeth and eyes, and was covered in fur. What can Little Red Riding Hood infer about her grandmother?

The Three Little Pigs each built a house. One house was made of straw, one of sticks, and one of brick. What can we infer about the houses?

The Seven Dwarves found Snow White seemingly dead and lying on the ground holding an apple with one bite taken out of it in her hand. What can the dwarves infer?

Hagrid was almost twice as tall as a normal man and at least five times as wide. He looked simply too big to be allowed. . . he had hands the size of dustbin lids . . . What can we infer from the description?

Professor Binns, now looking transparent, had been very old when he'd fallen asleep in front of the staff-room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. What can we infer about the professor from this description?

It was getting dark in the late afternoon. The air was cool, and the leaves were varied shades of orange, gold, and brown. What season can you infer that it is?

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