What is Mr. Koval's first name?

What is Mr. Koval's official job title?

What is the closest estimate to the number of ties Mr. Koval owns?

How many kids does Mr. Koval have

How many years has Mr. Koval worked at Swatara Middle School?

Besides room 114, where does Mr. Koval spend his time at school?

Before working at Swatara, where did Mr. Koval teach?

What is Mr. Koval's favorite NFL team?

Last year, Mr. Koval also worked at what other Central Dauphin School?

What college did Mr. Koval attend?

What state was Mr. Koval born?

True/False. Mr. Koval has never gotten below an A on a math test.

(Though the feeling may or may not be mutual) which teacher considers Mr. Koval to be his/her best friend (at least at work)?

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