Who did Zach decide was responsible for the Commander IF Was Here message written on the board at school?

What was the name of the man dressed in black that confronted Peter outside of Elko Middle School?

Whose part did Wanda get in the Play?

Who did Wanda think of to bring the right emotion to the song she was singing for her audition?

Who did Mrs. Pyle (the principal) seem to think wrote, If you take the 'V' out of lives what do you get on the board?

In Chapter 19, Zach found a fifth journal in his Jack in the Box. Who did this belong to considering Zach was missing one of his?

Zach's dad's journal mainly included information about...

Why did Zach have trouble getting a hold of the hotel that his mom and sister were staying at in Los Angeles?

What did Peter get that Zach dropped in front of his locker?

What did Peter want Zach to do?

How much money did Peter's dad win at the casino?

Where did Peter want to go to dinner after his dad won money at the casino?

Why did Zach go to Peter's trailer house at night?

How much money did Peter decide he wanted as a reward for telling Alonzo about the Osborne/Granger family?

Why didn't Peter return to his trailer when Zach was waiting for him after dinner?

Who heard a message on the Granger's answering machine that Zach's mom had left for him.

Zach's new name is...

Who can we infer (assume) is on the plane with Mack and Christine Greene at the end of the story?

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