Sophie's parents had an AUTHORITARIAN personality when she brought home a failing grade and told her she was grounded for the weekend. What does authoritarian mean?

Gatsby always threw LAVISH parties to impress Daisy, filled with people, expensive food and drink, and live music. What does lavish mean?

The ARDUOUS journey took days to complete, but after shedding blood, sweat, and tears, Johnny reached the top of the mountain.

The referee was BIASED towards the home team because that was the town he grew up in. What does biased mean?

Tina is EXEMPLARY for her peers by keeping her grades up, participating in multiple clubs, and doing community service. What does exemplary mean?

The watermelon was OBLITERATED when smashed with a hammer. What does obliterated mean?

The environmentalist showed great HYPOCRISY when they purposefully littered. What does hypocrisy mean?

The Irish famine was MEAGER in resources, causing many to suffer and starve. What does meager mean?

The real estate agent hoped to CAJOLE her into buying the house by showing her the lovely additions recently added. What does cajole mean?

The author was EQUIVOCAL, leaving his writing up for interpretation. What does equivocal mean?

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