What does AJIN stand for in our state?

Electronic communications shall be professional and business-like. Email, whether sent within or outside the judicial department must withstand public scrutiny without embarrassment to local court, judicial department, other users, and the public.

It is permissible to use the judical department's email systems for limited professional purposes subject to approval of the user's appointing authority.

Routine business use is permissible and includes: (a)Scheduling meetings; (b)Requesting information; (c)Assigning of work tasks; (d)Clarifying of assignments; (e)Notifying others of a user’s whereabouts, and (f)Making sick days/vacation request

Routine personal use is permissible and includes: (a)Notifying family members of schedule changes; (b)Sending personal messages to co-workers, and (c)Communicating information that is typically permitted in or from the workplace in person or by ph

Routine personal use does not include expending substantial workplace time, using email for personal charitable or partisan political solicitations or campaigns, or using email for purposes that would otherwise violate court policies.

A user may transmit official communications via email as long as they are created and preserved in compliance with applicable record retention and destruction schedules.

Commercial Purposes. Users shall not use electronic communications for commercial purposes. Users may not send or forward a serial or a chain message.

Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights. Users shall not use electronic communications to receive or send copies of documents in violation of copyright laws, or to send or receive software in violation of intellectual property laws or rights.

Users shall not use electronic communication to intimidate or harass others, or to interfere with the ability of others to conduct court business.

Users shall not use electronic communications in a manner that promotes or could be interpreted as discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, gender, religion, disability, age or sexual preference.

Identification. Users shall clearly identify themselves in any electronic communication, and shall not construct an electronic message or communication which appears to be from anyone other than the user.

Unauthorized Access. Users shall not capture and/or open electronic communications addressed to others except as required for authorized staff to diagnose and correct delivery problems.

Users shall not obtain access to the files or communications of others unless doing so serves a legitimate business purpose.

AJIN users have no expectation of privacy. Even though users routinely use email as a form of communication to discuss ideas and pending cases, they should not consider this form of communication as secure nor any message absolutely confidential.

Electronic mail, particularly when sent via the Internet, is an unsecured medium. More information about electronic mail (including copies of the content of messages) is routinely recorded than may be recorded using other communications media.

The confidential or privileged status of a communication is determined by court rule, order statute, and may include communications relating to employee performance or discipline, and judicial or attorney work product. It is the user’s responsibilit

Users may not use AJIN to download software, unless they comply with established AJIN policies for obtaining approval for loading or operating software on court provided computers, verifying proper licensing, and scanning for computer viruses

Users shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to data, to breach or evade any security measures on any electronic communication system, or to intercept any electronic communication transmissions without proper authorization.

Use of the Internet shall be professional and business-like. Any use shall withstand public scrutiny without embarrassment to the local court, the judicial department, other users, and the public.

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