The US Government's economic plan during this time was based on Keynesian Economics. They ________________money to create more jobs.
At this same time Germany is also borrowing money to build ____________.
The US people were opposed to Hitler violating the _______, but felt we had our own problems to deal with at home.
The US people did not want to enter another war during the depression. This is known as ______
Hitler feels Germany needs more food, land, money and resources so Germany invades Rhineland.
Hitler's idea of Lebensraum, translated to____________, led Germany to take over, invade, Sudetenland.
After Germany invades Sudetenland, France and ___________met with Hitler to prevent further actions.
Western Europe met with Hitler after the invasion of Czechoslovakia, and decided that Hitler would stop on his own.
When Hitler and Nazi Germany murderer and starved millions of the Polish, Chech, Germans, etc., this was an example of Fascism or Nationalism
The Munich Conference of 1938 agrees to let Hitler have Sudetenland if he promises to______________.
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