The heart's primary job is to pump blood to the whole body.

Your heart and lungs together make up your body’s circulatory or digestive system.

Your heart is a _____________.

Your heart is about the size of your outstretched hand/fist.

Your heart is divided into two sides and four chambers.

Your heart pumps blood to your lungs for ______________.

Your heart and lungs send oxygenated or deoxygenated blood to the rest of your body.

Deoxygenated blood is dark red or “blue”.

Once the blood returns to the heart from the lungs it is bright red.

Once the blood returns to the heart from the lungs it is dark blue

The aorta carries the blood throughout the body to other, smaller arteries once it is returned from the ___________.

Your body pumps about five quarts of blood every minute or second.

Your heart pumps about 100,000 times a day or hour.

Your heart gets its blood supply and necessary nourishment from the __________________.

The cardiac arteries line the outside or inside of the heart.

Your heart depends on electrical impulses to keep it beating in a normal rhythm.

Your heart and lungs are two main organs that keep you alive.

Your heart and liver are two main organs that keep you alive.

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