There are __________main types of tissues found in our bodies.

These four types are; connective tissue, epithelial tissue , nervous tissue and muscle tissue.

One role of connective tissue is to______________the body.

Connective tissue is made of cell fibers. Some fibers are collagen based fibers and some are ______________fibers

Tendons and ligaments attach bones to bones and muscles to bones and are made of _____________connective tissues.

Cartilage is found at the __________of bones, and it constructs our nose and ears.

Adipose is “body fat” and we use it as insulation for our body and for the storage of _______________.

Skin is an important epithelial tissue and protects our bodys from sunlight and helps regulate_____________loss.

Nervous tissue is found in the brain, Central Nervous System, or spinal cord, and nerve tissues throughout the body.

Muscle fibers are responsible or ____________inside and outside the body.

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