Most bees in the hive are _____________.

One of the jobs of the worker bees is to clean and _________the hive.

The worker bees also stay busy collecting pollen and nectar.

A worker bees lifespan depends on when they are born.

Bees born in the busy summer months only live a few weeks before they die from____________.

Male drones mate with the queen and then they____________.

The queen lays up to two thousand eggs per ___________.

Royal Jelly is the substance ______________eats.

Worker bees choose three to four larvae to make their queen after the queen dies or leaves the hive.

They feed only a few selected larvae this special substance known as Royal Jelly to help the queen develop ovaries for laying eggs.

The first one of these “chosen” larvae hatch, she is the new queen.

If two happen to hatch at the same time they will__________________.

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