When skimming and scanning, what is something I should look for before using an article for research?

When skimming and scanning, what is something I should look for before using an article for research?

When skimming and scanning, what is something I should look for before using an article for research?

When skimming and scanning, what is something I should look for before using an article for research?

When skimming and scanning, what is something I should look for before using an article for research?

When skimming and scanning online, what tool can I use to help me quickly find what I need in an article before using it for research?

Claire is conducting research on why the driving age should not be raised. She thinks she found a great article to support her viewpoint. The author and titles check out, but the date is a bit off by about 10 years. Should she use the article?

Claire is conducting research on why the driving age should not be raised. She thinks she found a great article to support her viewpoint. The author, date and title all check out . She is still hesitant. Should she use the article?

Claire is conducting research on why the driving age should not be raised. She thinks she found a great article . The author, title, and date check out, but she can't verify the expertise of the author. Should she use the article?

Claire is conducting research on why the driving age should not be raised. She thinks she found a great article . The author, title, and date check out, but she isn't sure if there is enough information . Should she use the article?

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