A scientific tool that makes objects appear larger than they really are is a

A piece of curved glass that causes light rays to come together or spread apart as they pass through is a

The basic unit of structure and function in living things is the

The thin structure that surrounds a cell is known as

The control center of a cell is the

A gel like substance inside of the cell where most activities take place

The movement of material from a more crowded area to a less crowded area is called

Small, round structures in a cell that make proteins are known as

The movement of water through a membrane is called

The process by which cells reproduce is

The power house of the cell

The structure in the cell where water, food and waste are stored

The small network of tubes known as the tiny highway system

Animal cells have all of the following except

A simple type of sugar

The movement of materials through a membrane

The nucleus of a cell divides by the process of

The thick outer layer of a plant cell that gives the plant shape and support.

All single celled (or unicellular) organism that uses pseudopods to surround food particles

One thing that is in both plant and animal cells

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