How did the Printing Press change Europeans lives?

How did the Printing Press change Europeans lives?

What were some of the struggles that occurred prior to the Printing Press?

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of primary sources?

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of primary sources?

Prior to the Printing press, what was something impeding Germans for being able to read?

The printing press was an invention that helped improve exploration and the spread of ideas. What supports that statement?

When the printing press was invented, most were excited. Why?

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of secondary sources?

Historical Sources are primary or secondary sources. What are some examples of secondary sources?

What is a scribes role in the process of making books in the Middle Ages?

Prior to the Printing Press, Germans were illiterate. What does illiterate mean?

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